Bookkeeping and Start-up Business Services

Welcome to Accurate Business Services. We record and keep track of your expenses and company books so that you can focus on what you do best. Your Business!

Our Services

  • Want to know where you are spending your money but don’t have time to go through your expenses. Let us do that for you. $120.00 per month to track and categorize all business expenses for two accounts and one savings account. Each additional account tracked is and additional $20.00 per month.

  • Want to know where you are spending your money but don’t have time to go through your expenses. Let us do that for you. $100.00 per month to track and categorize all personal expenses of one account plus one free savings account. Each additional account tracked is and additional $20.00 per month.

  • Have an idea that you need help converting into a working business? We are here to help you turn that dream into a reality. Our consulting includes taking your idea and helping you determine which type of business entity best suits you. Starting at $30.00 an hour.

  • Need help filing the paperwork for your new business? We will file the necessary paperwork for your business. Cost is $100.00 for each business entity filed plus filing fees.

More about the Owner

I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting. I have owned and run my own cleaning business for 14 years and have 14 years of experience keeping books for a small business. With my accounting background I know the importance of record keeping in order to maximize every expense to reduce your taxable income. Let me track your expenses so that you can focus on what you do best, your business. The difference you will find working with me over other companies is that you are more than a source of income to me. I care about helping you save money and reducing your taxable income and will give you the attention and time you need.

Contact Us

Please reach out to schedule a time to discuss your business and your specific needs. Please submit your information and a brief message and I will respond no later than 3-5 business days. I look forward to talking with you.